2019 Wine To Water Proprietary Red
2019 Wine To Water Proprietary Red
“This wine represents a symbiotic partnership with an amazing non-profit called Wine To Water. The success stories of this organization, and the lives they improve in communities world-wide was so inspirational we couldn’t help but get involved.”
— John & Joy Caldwell
One in every nine people around the world – 844 million of them don’t have access to clean drinking water. Women and girls in the developing world walk an average of 3.7 miles per day to get water. Whole communities are stuck in poverty because much of their time is dedicated just to the chore of getting drinkable water to their homes and families. In the 21st century…. It’s staggering statistics like this that motivated Doc Hendley, superstar do-gooder to found Wine To Water, a nonprofit organization that works in 48 countries to supply potable water to communities that don’t have it. His book, Wine To Water, tells the whole story. It’s well worth a read – and a lifetime of reflection.
In support of this awesome organization, we create a Caldwell Vineyard estate wine each year and give $15 to his organization for every bottle sold. And when it’s a Napa estate wine under $50, everyone wins.
A 12-bottle case purchase supports clean water for 3 families for 6 years.
NO VINTAGE? If you’re here, chances are you’re smarter than the average bear and have no doubt taken note of the fact that this wine does not bear a vintage on the label. It’s not merely an attempt to keep you guessing, it’s actually a technical detail for our legal labeling requirements. You see, 2020 was a challenging vintage, and rather than toss the baby out with the bath water, Marc had a stroke of genius and blended some of our stellar 2021 wine into the mix to make this red wine sing. Because the blend spans two vintages, we technically need to call it a non-vintage wine.